Thursday, February 9, 2017


How do you handle stress? We are living in a time where it seems like many people  in our nation is in total stress mode. Do I get stress out? Of course, but I found a few things to help me deal with stress that comes into my life. Here are  few points: 

1.) I tell myself it's not the end of the world, so calm down and deal with the issue. 

2.) I talk to friend's who know me and my issues. There is nothing like having a good friend to talk too. Talking to a friend keeps me free inside, so find a good friend.

3.) I just pray and look to God. This is the main source to help me not completely hit rock bottom in my stress out mode. Jesus said "to cast our cares on him!" So I do!! 

Life will always have sessons where it seems like everything is coming against you. Stay strong and pray for help! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My greatest comeback!

I call my blogging site "Resurgence" because I know what it's like to make a comeback in life. I know what it's like to be in a dark valley and feel like nothing will ever change. I know what it's like to feel lonely, discourage and depressed. What changed my view on life? What helped me become stable? What helped me make a comeback? It all changed when I decided to take a step of faith and call out to God from a desperate heart. My greatest comeback is when I cried out to God when I wasn't sure if there was a God. I told God, "if you're real then get me out of this mess!" He definitely made an intervention in my life. He showed me He will never forsaken me, He will never leave my side. My goal in life is to help others make a comeback!I meet people all the time who are desperate and need a comeback! The Bible teaches us to call out to God and He will help us. The Lord helped me make the greatest comeback ever!!